Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Last Sunday, i went to my friend's house. She invited me to have lunch at her house in Puchong. So, i went there with my other friend and we had lunch. She has a twin sister. Her twin sister is getting married by end of May. So, her mother invited me to come over to her house during the wedding. Then, i was joking to her and say, 'Bile u pulak nk kawin?U jeles eh?'. She gave me one look and say,'mane ade i nk kahwin, i tak jeles pon'. She is denying everything. But, the way she talked to me, they she react is showing that she is jealous to her younger sister. Then there are one statement come out which is, ' i do want to get married, but i just want to have a boyfriend first'. This statement i think its not clear...i was thinking, maybe this is a vague statement.

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